
Holy Monstro I just crapped the pants I'm not even wearing!

Let's think about this blog. It was born out of a house inhabited by many and cleaned by few. And then suddenly everyone scattered because we had gotten too powerful and had to take over our own corners of the world. Now we are reuniting and for a few days here in early October, Captain Planet's powers won't have shit on King Kong, or US! Expect some pictures later in the next week since "Soccer Dad Stiles" will be in attendance, surely snapping away.

The participants:

Aaron Mandel, Adam Maldonado, Alex Carlson, Brandon Weil, Clark Blumenstein, Dan Baxter, Drew Lorona, Garrett Stiles, Greg Dering, Hans Bengtson, Julian Trowbridge, Lane Aikin, Sam Johnson.

The plan: Take all these people to my place of employment, brilliant.

A photo:

Yea, this is going to end well.

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