
Bacon and Sloth

Two days this week I've eaten bacon and I want to just orgasm a little bit about the experience because for some reason or another it had been a long time since I sunk my teeth into the fleshy goodness of the pig. In addition to that I don't have to be at work today until noon which leads to what is maybe the greatest day of my life in recent memory, sleeping in, eating bacon (BACON!) and dicking around into the afternoon.

But why is bacon so good? Even from the start of the process, pulling it out of the cardboard box it is so delicately laced into, the smell fills the kitchen, something akin to a shark smelling blood in the water, or whatever a bull smells when it sees the red of the matadors cape. My stomach perks up and as it sizzles in its own built in lubricating grease in the pan everything heightens to a climax until that first bite is taken and no letdown is experienced, only a surge of what I can only describe psychologically as non poisonous venom through my body and what could only be described medically as "my heart and its surrounding arteries completely gasping for blood and air amidst a see of clogging gunk."

I guess we all have our own ways of seeing things.

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