
Summer Cavation

Planetary alignment, combined with financial hardship, has recently caused me to reconsider my terms of employment. I sought a new job within the Walla Walla wine industry which would stimulate me with more responsibility and get me off with more money. I found it and turned in my two weeks notice at my old job, assuming of course that I would work out my finals days and then move on gracefully.

Instead I was faced with one of those "You can't quit, you're fired!" sort of situations. So I have been enjoying Ten entire days of nothing to do. I have not had Ten days without responsibility in far longer than I can remember. Two hundred and Forty hours of reading left-behind newspapers at fastfood restaurants, luxuriously regarding all the Final Fantasy 10 cut-scenes, catching up on my Harry Potter in anticipation for the new book. Today I came to the ol' College student center to use the internet and blogue about my Summer Vacation.

I will be starting my new job Thursday, which brings me to my point. Much as I've enjoyed this break, it would be meaningless without the months of toil bookending both sides. Life is a dichotomy and I am unable to enjoy hanging with the sloths without having sprinted with the cheetahs.

I highly recommend the immediate acquisition of Neil Young's new archive release "Live at Massey Hall". The solo outing from 1971 features Mr. Young performing early hits and favorites in front of an enraptured audience in his home town of Toronto. Intimate arrangements of ordinarily bombastic songs such as Cowgirl in the Sand and Ohio provide valuable insight into Young's songwriting, while the live debut of Old Man (with a little biographical background) is heartbreaking and soul shattering.


  1. yeah, this album is really good.

  2. Hope you're enjoying your summer. I haven't been in Wally World in forever. I recommend teaching: the summers off pretty much rock.
