
Let Me Clarify

Hopefully you all have watched the King Kong trailer I posted. If not, use the little bit of effort it takes to scroll down two inches and click on the damn link I went through no trouble at all to put up for you.

This preview looks awesome in many ways, but it also makes visible the many flaws in Peter Jackson's (read: the guy who did Lord Of The Rings) take on the classic monster movie. First of all, Jack Black is playing a serious, or somewhat serious, role. This is a big mistake almost on par with Adam Sandler showing up in Punch Drunk Love with a "good dramatic performance." I wanted to laugh at Adam Sandler so much in that movie that I laughed at inappropriate times in the theater, often troubling and frightening the audience around me. Jack Black should stick to what he is good at; eating hamburgers and making people laugh.

Peter Jackson apparently had some outstanding contracts from Lord Of The Rings that he had to fulfill with his next movie, and it hurts the overall feel of the new King Kong. Apparently the Urukai from LOTR had a multi-picture deal with Jackson and his studio, because they show up in King Kong as well, but this time around we get to see the hot lady Urukai, which we were left fantasizing about from the LOTR film trilogy:

Another theory is that this is in fact Jackson's new girlfriend who demanded a part in his new picture in exchange for that new sex position Jackson has really wanted to try but had been too shy to ask about in bed.

The last, and perhaps most dissapointing, part about the King Kong trailer is the depiction of everyone's favorite dinosaur, the T. Rex. Anyone who has seen the original King Kong knows that the big gorilla fights a T.Rex in the jungles. What's sad is that the effects people spent so much time making King Kong look realistic that they just went half-assed on the T.Rex. Jurassic Park pretty much demanded that from then on out if you were gonna make dinosaurs with computers, you had to do it their way or not at all. One gander at the T.Rex from King Kong and everyone is going to say "The one in Jurassic Park looked better." Take a look for yourself:

I still really want to see King Kong, but I'm a realist, so I know that it will never be better than my favorite movie of all time, Back To The Future.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am the 5000 visitor - Diego
