
Occasionally good ideas from yours truly

I occasionally have good ideas.

Usually it's about one good idea per month. If I'm on more of a hot streak it's one good idea per week. If I'm like white dry ice liquid fire then it might even be one per day.

Lately I've been on a cold streak to end all cold streaks. No good ideas, none at all. I even thought it was a good idea to start Davone Bess on my fantasy team this week, case in point.

Until now.

This morning I thought of an amazing invention.

Fact: No one likes when their toilet clogs.

Imagine this: As you are using the toilet a senor measures the size, density, mass of whatever is in the toilet and alerts you a little bit before it clogs. You would know at that point to give a flush and all clogs would be averted.

So simple. So good.

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