
Truth in advertising?

There have been a lot of ads for Svedka Vodka lately around my area and I am 79% sure I drank a bunch of it at Burning Man a few weeks ago.

I ventured over to the website to take a closer look. I had to enter my birthdate to confirm I was 21 before entering the site. When I told them via my entry that I was a 14 year old girl looking to get drunk for the first time to see how it feels I was automatically directed to this website. Hilarity.

Anyways, their slogan is "voted best Vodka in 2033". Now either these fucks have a 23 year fast forward time machine (do I still look this good at 49? Back hair?) OR THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT. What sort of proof do they have of a vote taking place in the future denoting their vodka as the best. What if some sweet, potato based nectar of the gods is concocted by a now 8 year old Russian boy destined for genius. They have no idea. There is no photo evidence of an election taking place. I'm a skeptic.

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