
Rich, well-intentioned white people with too much money

I'm taking a little break from election shit for oh, about 16 hours so I thought I'd throw something else up here for a change of pace.

The title of this post says it all about this guy but you really can't help but smile, especially about halfway through when the huge waves rocks him hard.

thanks to the indomitable Adam Sachs for passing the video along.

and sorry about the auto play on that last post, my tech-challenged brain know not what it hath wrought.


Wassup 2008

Holy shit this is funny, this a take off this original classic Budweiser ad from 8 years ago, same actors, Go Obama!


I hate people, so much

I forgot to turn the TV off after Monday Night Football (Titans, undefeated, really?) and mindlessly flipped over to CNN where Larry King was interviewing 4 different women about Sarah Palin, two liberal and two conservative, one of whom was this dumbass bitch Janine Turner, who is best known for being an actress and is also a conservative activist. She was defending Palin against the liberals and literally said the following words in the English language (I rewound this many times to get it right, it was that stunning).

"She's a smart intelligent woman, she's the governor of Alaska which, the state of Alaska, has the 5th highest ranking, the most power of the top five states in Alaska, (pause) she's had executive power, she's a smart woman."

The only thing making Palin seem smart is you Janine Turner, thanks for wasting everyone's lives, you are the worst person of the 9 o'clock hour in this night of my life.


Need more cowbell?

If your life is lacking the cowbell it so richly deserves then click over to www.morecowbell.dj and upload your favorite songs, be sure to set the cowbell up to 100%. Happy times!


Talentless whore

I recently saw the new movie Nick and Norah's Ultimate Playlist and it was actually not half bad but I am so fucking sick of Michael Cera getting lauded by critics and reviews for playing the same goddam character he played in Juno and Superbad, although again both are okay movies. Maybe I'm just fucking jealous of this little baby faced sensitive emo indie rock bitch who was born with the ability to look like he gives a fuck and is now making a career out of that look. I dunno, the movie was sweet though, almost sickly sweet except there is one scene where a drunk couple gets in a cab and the guy says "I like you so much it's retarded" and that was amazing.


Campaigns enter the stretch run!

It's the middle of October folks, this is the stretch run to the 2008 presidential election and things are looking really good for Barack Obama, poised to become one of the youngest, and blackest, US presidents of all time.

The economy is first and foremost in people's minds and Obama has an advantage there. McCain has also been all over the place, briefly canceling his campaign and having his surrogates launch some nasty attacks on Obama, Palin included.

However, the scary thing for Obama is something called The Bradley Effect where a black candidate who is polling high tanks on election day because voters get racial jitters about voting for him. I don't personally think this will happen, but some who are in the know fear that it might. That would be crazy.

Right now McCain has to win pretty much all the states Bush won in 2004 against Kerry, save maybe one or two. Obama is looking good in Iowa especially and also Colorado and New Mexico (where I'm headed to seal things up alongside Sam Johnson for Barack in a little over a week!) He's close in Missouri, Ohio and Florida and maybe even in Virginia and North Carolina which haven't been Democratic since pork was kosher.

Speaking of Kosher, the Great Schlep is underway to turn Florida for Obama and if you haven't seen the Sarah Silverman video, it's fuckin' hilarious.

Walgreens Hilarity

I went into a busy downtown SF Walgreens today to get some gum and it was a scene of pure hilarity.

Some genius manager had the idea to put all the halloween decorations along the front aisle everyone has to walk next to in order to check out.

Most of these decorations were motion censor activated to let out blood curdling screams or intense halloween-y threats.

This resulted in a bunch of suited business types recoiling at horror upon walking into a store of literally 50 different decorations yelling "untie me and I won't hurt you too bad" or "did anybody see my head" or "(maniacal laughter forever)".

It was insane.


Jesus Sharks

A lot of people question the story of Jesus' virgin birth. Well this article about multiple virgin shark births might lend some credence to the Jesus saga.

Now if you read the article, you'll see that the reason that scientists attribute for the virgin births is that no male sharks were around so the females adapted and gave birth.

Now if you were Jesus' mother in the ol' BC (no need for the "e" here) and these men were all you had to choose from, I bet you would find a way to conceive on your own as well.

Case closed.