
It may be getting old...

Making fun of things George Bush has said has long ago "jumped the shark" (people that get that are hip, with it, know it!) but sometimes I come across things that are irresistable still.

Here's one:

"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah." --at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001

way to make shit real real, real fast Georgie!


Real Life Conversation

two of the minds of Monstro Blog and Chamois Army Fort chop it up:

MANDEL2002 (8:46:45 PM): how you livin
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:00 PM): yo man
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:01 PM): i be livin
MANDEL2002 (8:47:05 PM): yeah me too
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:15 PM): work is alright
MANDEL2002 (8:47:49 PM): work is alright
MANDEL2002 (8:48:03 PM): we are clones
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:03 PM): tawonga!
MANDEL2002 (8:48:07 PM): living on the grid hardcore
MANDEL2002 (8:48:10 PM): plugged the fuck in
MANDEL2002 (8:48:13 PM): to machine portals
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:14 PM): yep
MANDEL2002 (8:48:15 PM): we sit at all day
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:31 PM): and then come home and know no better than to get online
MANDEL2002 (8:48:36 PM): yup
MANDEL2002 (8:48:39 PM): feed the beast
MANDEL2002 (8:48:42 PM): that requires no food
slowdowncrazyman (8:49:02 PM): i follow a stream that has no spring; the spring is dry but not the stream
slowdowncrazyman (8:49:44 PM): i have plans to explode soon though and plaster my existence across the face of this whole world
MANDEL2002 (8:49:50 PM): so you end up at a slowly dying ocean?
slowdowncrazyman (8:50:16 PM): yeah probably something bummer like that
MANDEL2002 (8:50:48 PM): were you just saying you were going all suicide bomber?
slowdowncrazyman (8:51:05 PM): no i'
slowdowncrazyman (8:51:24 PM): m gonna go scribble on crumbling walls in algeria with a charcoal pencil
“slowdowncrazyman” signed off at 9:15:32 PM.


Saddest Cubicles

Since I'm going on a linking tear lately, check this Wired contest touting the saddest cubicles in the modern world. I say 'modern world' simply because I bet money that some peasant working in the bottom of a castle in low candlelight scribing notes was probably a pretty dismal situation. All the cubicles pictured in this contest have electricity and presumably there isn't an armed guard nearby to murder workers if they decide to take an early lunch.


Le Darkness

I stumbled upon this website when I was trying to figure out my new cell phone. It is called FlexiSpy. You can order cellphones and software for cellphones that are used to "catch a cheating spouse." This is the advertised tag line. I wonder if they break even on the ratio of marriages ruined because of spouse catching significant other cheating using FlexiSpy and spouse being left by significant other because they found FlexiSpy and they weren't cheating at all.


Stoning the prophets

Society is self-defeating.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has been a bit of a cult hit this election cycle, drawing a devoted cadre of mainly young supporters who fanatically gravitate toward this rather plain 72 year old Texan with Libertarian leanings.

I would posit that people are into Ron Paul for the simple fact that science has taken away heroes, at least the kind of our mythical past. We even 3d animate Beowulf now, no humans allowed. Ron Paul has that anti-establishment maverick appeal of an old school cowboy who speaks his mind, then kills everyone in the bar who looks at him funny, but without any of that flash. People are just desperate for something fresh and new.

The damning part of all this though, is that in this society where a void and thirst for heroes exists, a climate is created to at once yearn for but then nullify anyone who could rise to such a calling. Paperazzi endlessly hound celebrities, exposing all their worst human flaws, taking them down to the mortals' level. The news media pounces on missteps by politicians, no more Kennedy's, and the preachers all touch little boys now. As a society we deny ourselves the ability to have what we want, a hero, a folk legend to rise above the normalcy of our constrained, controlled lives and give us something new. This is like slamming your head into a brick wall over and over while Kenny G plays a lonely ode to the health care system.

In this day and age it would take a truly supernatural being to satisfy our thirst for meaning beyond what we know, and we do know that, simply put, is not possible.

Ron Paul probably has herpes.

or this


Zeppelin Could Return!!

This article on my precious Wired.com informs us that a company based in San Francisco is trying to bring back the noble airship that met its technological end when the Hindenberg exploded into a million tiny bits of ultra-charged metal film. Since antiquated technologies seem to be moving back into the forefront, lets take a gander at other possible scientific discoveries that have gone by the wayside that we could re-introduce for a profit...or perhaps just another disastrous public explosion.

Steam Power - There is nothing more noble than the clean power of steam. For almost one decade, man was convinced that steam was the wave of the future. Why can't it be again? We are having a fuel crisis, and water is cheap and readily available. I can buy or steal as much as I need. As long as people are willing to sacrifice speed, safety, and maneuverability in their automobiles, steam power can make a triumphant return to our lives.

Mercury - Isaac Newton once took a spoonful of mercury every morning, believing that the elemental liquid metal has mystical health properties. Subsequent years of study by so called "scientists" has claimed that mercury actually poisons the brain. Let's look closer. Isaac Newton INVENTED CALCULUS. Then there are the pregnant moms who are suing left and right because of supposed mercury poisoning. Sounds like a bunch of free-loaders looking for a one-way ticket into a higher tax bracket. I say we go back to a spoonful a day and watch as humans become a race of mathematical wizards.

Man In The Moon Theory - It was once thought, by legitimate scientists (mercurially inspired), that the moon contained some sort of giant sentient being who looked down on the earth. Whether or not his actions were benevolent or evil were uncertain, but as far as the scientists could tell, he was a rather harmless old crone who just stared down during full moons. This theory was "disproved" when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and found out that it wasn't a giant face, but just a load of rocks. I don't think it is coincidental that after his landing, the world has been stricken by religious zealot terrorists. The Man In The Moon has finally asserted his true intent after tricking America's greatest warrior. We must strike quick and fast if the Moon Man is to be defeated. Let us blow apart the moon!

Hold the turkey, we're having WHAT?@?!?

yer goddam right I shot the goat.

now get me my fuckin' beer.


Everyone loves the fullback

Being a fullback in the NFL would be awesome, everyone loves the fullback, he's like the guy who takes the bullet for the hot girl but always lives and indeed sometimes gets the chance to shine himself. Fullbacks have such heroic traits that Seattle's Mack Strong, after like 13 seasons of blocking for Shaun Alexander, Matt Hasselbeck and company, hurt his back and neck earlier this season on a scary collision and just retired on the spot. That is so fucking tight. Fullbacks are awesome.

Additionally, this is yet another good reason to eat shit, literally.


Custer's Revenge

This is the title of the Atari 2600 game that GameSpy has recently named the Most Shameful Game of all time. I won't bother going into an in-depth description because the article does a fine job, but lets just say it's a graphical nightmare of a porno game where General Custer marches nude around the battlefield having "consensual bondage sex" with Native American women.

I was tickled by this article because GameSpy didn't bother to do the "Worst Games of All Time" bit because that is kind of a dead horse. Even the most rudimentary upstart video game blogs have their own list worsts. Instead, in very "Monstro" fashion, they decided to go with Most Shameful. As a result this list includes a lot of games that were travesties because they ruined otherwise-great pop culture icons like E.T. and Superman. Then there is Custer's Revenge, which is just fucked up.


Some things should never be written.

S ometimes I dick around on Wikipedia because I have some time to kill. A few days ago I was wondering about why Dutch ovens are called Dutch ovens. I assumed it was because the Dutch invented them, or at least had an affinity for them. While reading up on my Dutch oven history, I noticed that a lot of the factual information about Dutch ovens was coming from a book called "Dutch Ovens Chronicled" by John G. Ragsdale. Apparently this gentleman is the leading expert on Dutch oven history. Now, this made a little back corner of my brain spin around in circles really fast. My brain did this because I started to wonder why anyone would bother to learn the history of Dutch ovens, and then write a book about it, and then try to sell it to real people. Then I wondered about what type of people read books about the history of things like Dutch ovens. Then I thought about what type of person would find a book like "Dutch Ovens Chronicled" and give it as a gift. This reminded me of my childhood during Christmas when I watched the adults in my family do a gift exchange.
The family played a type of game where you could either choose a gift to open or sacrifice your turn to open by trading an unopened gift for one that had already been opened. Then the person you got the gift from opens a new one. I think this is called "boring" and "a waste of time" in some cultures. Anyway, someone had a really good idea to wrap up a big coffee table book about warplanes. I think it was my grandpa, because he was the only person into warplanes. Nobody wanted that warplane book. They kept trading it and trading it. It was obvious that grandpa had gotten the gift with the bright idea that he could get something he knew only he wanted. He was therefore usurping the spirit of gift-giving but still playing the game, so he technically couldn't be reprimanded for being a Grinch. The family decided to punish old grandpa for his mischievous ways. No matter how many times grandpa tried to subtly suggest that he would gladly take that dumb old warplane book off anyone's hands, the family would trade around him. The few times he opened an excellent gift, he was given the warplane book only to have it taken away a few rounds later. Grandpa started to become aware that my entire family was actively and strategically fucking with him. His jolly casual suggestions to get the book into his hands slowly became harsh criticisms of the structure of the game. The spirit of Christmas was still in the air so he never attacked a family member who played by the rules and took the book from him, but he began to point out every flaw in the system.
My family was merciless. As the game wound down, it was obvious they weren't letting grandpa off the hook. The aunts, uncles, and older cousins had all played smart and kept the book out of his hands. The family had also played with heart though, because when the last gift was opened my grandpa had a rather nice candle fixture set sitting in his lap, and my grandma was happily clutching an over-sized volume containing detailed illustrations and descriptions of historical warplanes.


Crazy Southern Aunt

My aunt, Linda Lee Lewis, who lives in Madison Mississippi, has a group of women friends from her church who go on trips together. They drafted a short letter to the Graceland Mansion folks to announce their upcoming trip to The King's estate. This is the letter they got back, with nothing ommited or altered:

Dear Mrs. Lewis:

I wish to welcome you in adance of your upcoming planned visit to Graceland. You and your fellow Episcopals are certainly welcome while you are nearby for your church's rituals, whatever they may be.

It has come to our attention that you and others are planning to wear special costumes to the Mansions and, perhaps, show less that the upmost respect for The King.. This would not be of concern to us were it not for some disturbing news we have recieved from our "friends" in the Jackson area. Yes, to protect the legacy of The King, we must employ certain people to keep us informed. Believe me, it is not much more than what our current president is being accused of. (You certainly make interesting telephone calls.)

Because of your previous involvement with a group referred to as the "Sunnyvale Clique", your behavior at Gatwick Airport in London, and your propensity for participating in bogus luncheon clubs, we must insist that you check with security upon arrival at Graceland.

We regret that this is necessary but this is not a goddamn amusement park. If you want to show your ass, may we suggest Dollywood, Branson, or some other destination more fitting your preferences.

Graceland offers some classy shit.

I do hope this letter reaches you prior to your visit.


Billy Bob Hutchinson
Security Chief

cc: Miss Priscilla

Holy shit... the fact that my aunt has done things that get people writing her these kinds of letters makes me wish we'd spent more time together during my younger years.

Pablo Picasso farted on Salvador Dali

Sometimes I find myself dying in an abstract sense, becoming a constricted human being only travelling in pre-made ruts for wheels made to spin forward as I sit window-sill prone watching huge container ships leave bound for far away ports laden with goods meant to keep cities going. What the fuck are cities, holy shit just look at them they are insane little bubbles where more people than nature intended live in small spaces but carve out lives considered comfortable. They also are shields, far greater than a spade shaped one of metal from days of yore to protect from many things, strength in numbers reigns supreme so a single mind can let itself "go green" and be heated by the sun into a baked good of the highest quality, changed irreparably from its past as singular ingredients into a congealed mass, a body of it's nice to be back brother bear.



Check if yon fort be friend or foe!

Check out the link for the Chamois Army Fort on the links page of this website. This is the blog of our associate Brandon Weil, who has recently been nicknamed "Corporate" for his affiliation and employment by a large corporate entity. Unrelated to mergers and acquisitions, Brandon recently attended the Boulder Cup cyclocross bicycle race fully costumed as William Wallace of Braveheart and, to a lesser degree, history. As far as I can tell he gave the famous "freedom" speech from the film and ran around with a kilt and blue face paint rousing all sorts of rabble and generally making the bike race fun for non-bike-race fans.

Talkin' Movies

We're getting deep into my favorite season of the year for movies: the one where good ones come out (snobbish cough, but for real).

I am going to talk about Into the Wild, Michael Clayton, The Darjeeling Limited and American Gangster so if you are trying to save all knowledge of anything before seeing the movies, don't read the this post and go do something with your life.

So since it's the Oscar-movie season I'm trying to see as many movies as possible since I'm not a huge fan of the summer blockbusters and not into horror, sci-fi or most fantasy. I like the epic, dark, uplifting human sagas that most often tug on Oscar voters' hearstrsings. That being said, here are some thoughts on the four movies I've seen in the last few weeks.

Into the Wild- Holy shit, I think this was the best of the bunch, it totally destroyed me as a person during and for awhile after sitting in the theater and watching it. So much about this movie is really good but the thing that I liked most was the nuance and balance it employed with respect to Christopher McCandless's (Emile Hirsch, he's good) story. I always felt a tug inside me between wanting to root for him and wanting him to get what was coming, agreeing with him and disagreeing, being happy and being sad, being content and being frustrated. This was a true story and I appreciated that the movie contained all of the same vagaries that are present in life. The acting was good on Hirsch's part and the supporting characters were really good throughout and added a lot to the movie. On a personal level I found a lot of connection between what McCandless was thinking and how I feel about some things so the jarring lows he hit knocked me around pretty good on my own level, Sean Penn is kind of a cinematic thug, I'm into it, the wild.

Michael Clayton- I used to think I hated George Clooney but he keeps doing tight shit. From the vapid, but self-aware and very entertaining Ocean's 11 series to Syriana, Good Night and Good Luck and now Michael Clayton, the dude makes good movies and he's a good actor, you can't argue with that. The story is well told in this movie and going into it one of the reasons I didn't think I would like it was that I couldn't see how an ethical law firm thriller would be that good and in the end, it still didn't grab me so much but the acting is superb and there isn't a dull moment throughout with just enough suspense to keep you on your toes but not make you feel dumb.

The Darjeeling Limited- Wes Anderson is the ultimate Whitman College filmmaker, dorky-cool and quirky he always seems intriguing and like someone I'd want to hang out with to seem hip and cool. I haven't seen Bottle Rocket or Rushmore but I have seen The Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and enjoyed both of them. I went into this movie with high, but incorrect hopes. As I watched this movie about three brothers (played really well across the board by Owen Wilson--thanks god he didn't kill himself--, Jason Schwartzman and Adrien Brody) traveling through India on a quest of various levels I kept feeling frustrated. Part of this could have honestly been that I'd run a 5k race earlier in the day and was dehydrated, tired and had a pounding headache which did not put me in the best movie-watching mode. Also I was frustrated because I was finding the movie very self-indulgent in its own quirkiness and I kept wanting SOMETHING TO HAPPEN, I was feeling anxious and things seemed to be dragging on and on. I pretty much felt this way until the end of the movie and throughout the night as I mulled it over. This was definitely one of those movies that stayed in my head for a few days and as that percolation was doing its thing I began to appreciate the movie more and more. The saying "it's the journey not the destination" really comes to mind here, the little bits and pieces, small anecdotes and annoyances that are liberally sprinkled throughout actually create a very real-life picture of the characters and events so in the end I began to appreciate this movie more.

American Gangster- Ridley Scott always makes good movies. So do Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. There was very little change this would fail and it didn't in my mind. Much like last year's "The Departed" this movie left me feeling like I was in good hands throughout, the characters were good (although strangely a little underdeveloped I thought) and the story moved along well too. The only two complaints I could register would be that some scenes in this were so phenomenal that others seemed rather pedestrian and this movie didn't do anything too spectacular to distinguish it from it's cinematic lineage of The Godfather, Scarface, Departed, etc. Still a damn good movie with great acting.

'tis the season for good movies and this is only the started. Others on my list to try and get to see are:

Margot at the Wedding (same peeps as squid and whale)
Be Kind Rewind (Michel Gondry seems like an odd choice for this, but I'm excited)
Lions for Lambs
Charlie Wilson's War

I'm interested in readers comments on the movie I talked about or other upcoming movies we should keep our eyes out for!


The Art of Dance Music

I get a lot of flak from pretty much everyone I know that doesn't like dance music for liking dance music. If you don't know what dance music is, bang your hand on your desk over and over and repeat a nonsensical phrase, like "cookies are for babies" over and over, and then sometimes pause and say "wow" in a really drawn out and robotic way, and then continue banging and "cookies are for babies" and you know what dance music is. In its simplest form anyway.
The thing about dance music is that it is for people who don't listen to lyrics or melodies. Its for people who are more rhythmically minded. If you're big into "singer-songwriters" and all that horsecrap then you probably don't like dance music at all. If you listen to music and go "wow, that line was really deep" then you probably won't like dance music at all. If you wish you had a soundtrack for punching somebody in the face or scoring with an entire volleyball team, then you will get pumped for dance music. Here is some good dance music to check out. Think of this as a test of bravery, like in ancient cultures, except this time you're testing yourself for something else, something less valuable to our society. I think we all know what that is: a tendency towards the consumption of club drugs.

Paul Van Dyk - This guy was of the first "global DJs" that made dance music a phenomenon outside of European and British clubs. I am assuming he is from Holland, because they have vans and dykes there. He could also be from Lesbos.

DJ Tiesto - Another big global DJ. This guy is famous for his "In Search of Sunrise" series, which comes from his now-famous sessions at clubs in Ibiza, Spain - the dance music capital of the world! It is also probably the drunken Brit capital of the world, which by osmosis means white-legged Speedo capital.

Vitalic - I just discovered this guy. He made the slow-motion dog video. I'm pretty sure we are brothers separated at birth.

Check out this music and find out if you're a man, or a mouse, or a giant dim-wit with incredible strength played by John Malkovich.