
Considering the fact I may be an alien

A little background. I've developed the same mysterious rash on my side and back in October and now yesterday. I've gone to the doctor to get it checked out and no one has any clue what it is except that I have an abnormal amount of white blood cells in my blood. This has led me to the conclusion that it is possible that I might be an alien. I obviously don't think I'm an alien but I have no way of knowing, there's no Birther movement out there like for Obama that is scrutinizing so deeply my entry moment into earth.

I'm wondering if all the theory about earthly conquest and domination by aliens are wrong. What if aliens are sort of like immigrants who don't tell their children where they come from because they would much rather quietly assimilate and not make a big deal about their alien-ness, except in the unfortunate events of blood tests turning up a little weird.

C90x garbixion rengloidensuis

Here's another thing I was just realizing, if you want to seem like you talk legit Alien you either use an abnormal amount of "x"'s or make things seem like they are in Latin, I don't really speak alien.

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