
Terror. Absolute and utter Terror.

I just read Dan's posted article about Oprah's support of "The Secret." Just having been recently released from a Ho Chi Minh City mental institution without any explaination other than "peer approval of release documentation" I find myself at an odd crossroads with my deep realtionship with the Darkness. It has, as was obvious in my Cowards! post, permeated my being. While some, Mr. Mandel and Mr. Jumago included, thought that this permeation was an infestation; it was in fact a transformation. The Darkness did not taint me like my friends hypothesized. The Darkness instead acted as a catalyst for change in my mind so that it has become a tool for me rather than a muddling view of reality as a whole. I can command the Darkness. The Darkness whispers to me and shares my thoughts. While I know that the Darkness residing permanently in my subconscious is perhaps a deadlier cobra than the one out in the open that hailed my initial immersion into the depths, I find the tools the Darkness grants me useful, and I will wield them with patientice and clarity.

"The Secret" seems to me one of the most terrifying manifestations of the inability of the common man to lead himself to any sort of prosperity. While I would like to agree with Dan, and the author of the critical article, that "The Secret" is a crock of crap that deserves to be used as kindling for a Boy Scout fire, it has a troubling Message (capital M) that exists outside of the idiotic and mislead message of the book, and if the author of the book percieved this Message then they should be granted an award as the most briliant human of all time. The (m)essage within the book is obviously full of holes. Poor people are to blame for their poverty? This message has no legs, and obviously nobody of intellect would make this point. But, on the contrary, what if someone were to write an entire book making this obviously flawed argument and then proceed to get it sold to two-million people who desperately sought instructions on how how become wealthy, enough so that they purchased an idiotic book to accomplish this goal?What better way to hammer the point home when someone says "Your book is bullshit. Poor people are not to blame for their poverty." than to respond by saying "then why did 2 million poor people spend $29.99 on my fucking bullshit book?" The capital M message of the book is that even though the book itself makes a flawed and weak argument, the fact that book sold SO FUCKING WELL proves that that lowercase m messages are true! The proof is in the pudding, but critics of the book are looking for the pudding in the book and not on another shelf in the store, where the pudding is fucking on sale for 3 for $1, and you have to buy it at that price because 2 million other people bought that damn pudding and that is a good price. Undeniably, a good good price.

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