
Iceland stand up and make some noise!

For the second time in about a year a volcano erupting in Iceland is about to muck up European air travel.

I can honestly say that except for appearing on some lists of "random places I'd like to travel to one day" I don't think much about Iceland except to occasionally ruminate on the fact that a short little Jewish dude like myself would probably feel pretty bad about himself in a land that is settled by the descendants of the fucking Vikings!

However, when you are a country of 320,000 people you need to find a way to get some attention sometimes. Clearly that means having some massive volcanoes blow the fuck up and shoot their ash into the jet stream headed for Europe.

At least this time the volcano's name is Grimsvotn, significantly easier to say than the last one.


Horseboarding- not what I expected

When I saw this link for a video about "horseboarding" I got excited about learning a new torture technique that Republicans were planning to debut for the upcoming election cycle. I imagined it being, instead of waterboarding, a process where suspects are put into a room with increasingly bigger and more aggressive breeds of horses with their awful horse gas and horrifying horse erections until they spilled the truth. Instead it is a sport featuring a few British people who think they are way more badass than they are. In America we have machines do that kind of thing.