
Oh yea, there's an election soon

Seems like some really good stuff is going on. I just love that when Democrats get fed up with years of Republican rule we turn to "change" and "hope" and get Obama. Now, when Republicans get fed up you people like the first link and this and this. That's just some top quality revolutionary visionary innovative shit. Congrats, I hope all the Democrats forget there's an election and the Tea Party takes over the country. That'll show em!


Learn somethign new everyday

Since my last post/plea for topics generated exactly 0 replies I'm back to blogging into the darkness for my personal enjoyment.

Did you know that Australia has the most camels of any country in the world? So much for all my stereotypes of the Middle East. Gawd.

Does camel meat taste good?


The candle in my mind got sneezed on

I haven't blogged much lately. I had a nice run going. Why haven't I written lately? I don't know, I haven't thought of anything to write about. I am an inconsistent person. Therefore, if anyone still reads here, please use the comment section to give me a topic or prompt you'd like me to blog about and I will do so until I begin having inspirations of my own again.


More crazy shit from the murky ocean depths

In a casual but years'-running ongoing theme here at the Monstro Blog, I would like to point out that more insane shit has been discovered in the ocean. I'll dedicate this to a fellow lover of the weirdness in the murky depths, absentee blogger Drew.

I am always all up in arms when the government runs to cut NASA's funding, but honestly, we've discovered a lot in outer space already and most of it is dead and dark or looks cool but is 200,000 light years away.

I do know, based on the little that has been discovered, that we are guaranteed to find extremely tight shit if we keep poking around those big ponds that keep us isolated from Europe and Asia though.


Let's talk about apologies

When I was a kid I would make mistakes. After these mistakes happened, my parents would teach me a lesson by making me apologize to whoever had been harmed by the mistake.

One time I threw a baseball through my neighbor's window and I had to go knock on the door and say that I did it and would fix it (through the financial help of my parents).

One time I hit my sister in rage (real man!) and I had to apologize to her for this.

These seemed like reasonable examples of apologies.

Here's another apology, courtesy of our "city on a hill", shining example to the rest of the world U.S. Government.

"Hey Guatemala, how you doin? I know this has taken 60 YEARS (!!!) but we'd like to apologize for infecting your jailed female sex workers with STDs for a medical study. Yeah, that was our bad."